“Jalisco… without hunger.”
Had the objetive of right of restoring the right to food for low-income families in marginal areas, favoring girls, boys and adolescents in vulnerable conditions, older adults, seniors, people with disabilities; as well as homeless people in their different modalities, who live in the State of Jalisco, to provide them with food during the COVID-19 contingency.
JSH was an initiative of civil society, business corporations and government of the estate, in order to provide and answer to the needs of Families of the estate of Jalisco: proper and healthy food.
With this experience , business people From this experience, businessmen agreed on the structure and operation of this project, so motivated they decided to prolong the support in food and health, through the legal constitution of a non-profit organization; They also decided to land and focus the project on a specific territory: La Ribera de Chapala.
The Jalisco without Hunger initiative ended, but we were left with Hunger to continue helping.
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